Sunday, September 25, 2011


I am a huge huge fan when it comes to Apple: probably for the wrong resons though... I find the notebooks, i-phones and i-pods really beautiful! A sleek and elegant design with the "coolness" feeling of belonging to the Apple generation.
Really funny as I can still remember my father bringing home the first pc when I was 8, and guess what? It was a mac:) I can still picture very clearly the multicolor apple logo and it all seemed incredible to me!
Then there was the era of the compaq, the HP, the LeNovo and then Sony came in with Dell and their colourful laptops, but as you know Apple has made what I would call a revolutionary comeback! Steve left the group with an amazing legacy and today I am rellay hesitating: an ipad or a macbook air?

Of course the price is not even comparable and I know that whatever I will buy today will just be obsolete next year..mmm...tough decision.
I want something light, but then again what are the chances I may use my i-pad as a fully functional notebook? How does that work out with your Office docs? The truth as that in a way we are still slaves of the 2 Big ones: Microsoft and Mac...not great for us, but at some point you have to chose your side.

Michael told me: "the ipad is great as a gadget, but honestly I don't know why I bought it as I keep playing Angry Bird on it..."lol! My point: I am not sure I will get one until I know I can create an excel sheet on it. But hey, might as well come with Number 3!;)

Saturday, September 24, 2011


London: 8.2m inhabitants....how many singles? half of the population between 20 and 50....So what is the deal?What's with the 8.2m?
I am the first to agree that it is very hard to meet anyone here: of course you can go out and make sure you won't spend the night on your own. Online dating? Try it out!Might work fine for you, but be ready to be judged in the harshest way...your picture does it all in the beginning. If you watched "The Social Network" you definitely know what I am talking about as you may remember what game brought Facebook to life (left or right?). I have friends who met online and are still happily together: so who knows?
On the other side I keep on hearing about weddings lately: my high school mates are not wasting their time. I remember gossiping about that hot guy in school and his super "perfect-body-looking" girlfriend who had it all, well, turned out that the guy just became dad and the hottie turns out to be the perfect housewives. After all ending up marrying your teenage love is probably a secure way to a lasting relationship (not much comparison available). Then there is the "friend" thingy: one day you realize you got a crush on your mate...yes I don't personally believe in love at first sight and again two of my friends got married this year with their best mates. It is very tricky though: how not to scare your friend off in case he's not into you? what if a girlfriend is around? be prepared to give up your friendship if you feel like revealing your feelings, which is not necessarily bad: how worse would it be to hang out with someone you like knowing you will never tell them?

So how and where to meet your prince charming? I would give up clubs and bars: the dude telling you that his mate fancies you but is too shy to come over is a no go for me, as is the guy who comes over telling that he thinks you're cute...really? Or even worse, the one whispering god knows what in your ear with the fresh breath of the few pints he got to enjoy a few minutes before (he won't even remember you the next day).

Result: very difficult mission. Trust your instincts and count on your friends for networking;) And maybe stop trying analysing too much....you may be wrong!