Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I want to be a part of it, New York New York

The city that never sleeps: how true and yet there is such a decadent side to it. The litter bags invading the pathways, the gloomy and dusty subway, the old delis (you would almost bet on Bogart and Bacall to be the next ones out), a "Central Park" that would make you regret Regents Park every day of the year...

So why?? Why have I fallen in love with the place after a week?
Is it the crowd? The vibe? Walking in the streets where you can barely see the horizon but where somehow you feel like you could reach the sky any minute?
No single bite of the big apple is enough and amazingly, the discovery of 3 cities in 1 is positively overwhelming. From the East to the West Village, to Midtown and to the Upper West Side...and down again to Greenwich Village...
A NEVERENDING story, a world of possibilities.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ryan...inexpressive beauty

I knew his face, but watching "Drive" made the whole difference to me. It made me think so differently of this movie that I had to watch it three times on the big screen. What was so special about it? I still have a hard time identifying exactly what it was: a mixture of very elaborated screen shots (Nicolas Winding Refn obviously has a strong and meticulous sens of aesthetics); a captivating soundtrack and very little dialogue that would make the unspoken relationship between Ryan and Carrie even more touching.
But there is definitely something amazing about HIS face: an inexpressive beauty! Very little changes of expression and yet such a powerful look. That's where his true beauty lies: a true unforced presence on the screen coupled to a certain nonchalance revealed through his voice.

Ryan is certainly someone I intend to follow closely: a so strong personality that captivates men and women equally!