Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ryan...inexpressive beauty

I knew his face, but watching "Drive" made the whole difference to me. It made me think so differently of this movie that I had to watch it three times on the big screen. What was so special about it? I still have a hard time identifying exactly what it was: a mixture of very elaborated screen shots (Nicolas Winding Refn obviously has a strong and meticulous sens of aesthetics); a captivating soundtrack and very little dialogue that would make the unspoken relationship between Ryan and Carrie even more touching.
But there is definitely something amazing about HIS face: an inexpressive beauty! Very little changes of expression and yet such a powerful look. That's where his true beauty lies: a true unforced presence on the screen coupled to a certain nonchalance revealed through his voice.

Ryan is certainly someone I intend to follow closely: a so strong personality that captivates men and women equally!

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